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Common syntax problems – CSS


Here’s a list of some common mistakes you might make while writing CSS code. These mistakes can cause different errors on your webpage, so it’s important that you correct them if you see them in your code.

  • Missing opening or closing curly brace
  • Missing colon after the property name
  • Missing semicolon after value
  • Misspelled selector, property, or value


Missing opening curly brace:

  color: red;

Missing closing curly brace:

p {
  color: red;

Misspelled property:

p {
  coler: red;

Misspelled value:

p {
  color: redd;

Misspelled selector:

bodyy {
  color: red;

Missing colon after the property name:

p {
  color red;

Missing semicolon after the value (this is only a problem if there is more than one property in the CSS rule):

p {
  color: red
  background-color: blue;


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