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How to install Sass


Install using npm

You can install Sass on Windows or macOS using npm. If you have npm installed, enter the following command in your terminal to install Sass:

npm install -g sass

Note that the Sass docs say that the npm version “runs somewhat slower than the other options…”.

Install on Windows

If you have Chocolatey installed, enter the following command in your terminal to install Sass:

choco install sass

Install on macOS

If you have Homebrew installed, enter the following command in your terminal to install Sass:

brew install sass/sass/sass

Check to see if Sass is installed

To check to see if Sass is installed (on either macOS or Windows), enter the following command in your terminal:

sass --version

This will print the version number of Sass if you have it installed.


Try installing Sass using one of the methods described in the tutorial. If you can’t install it, you can do these exercises on CodePen.


Install Sass | Sass Website

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