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Link to another page on your website – HTML


To create a link to another page on your website, use the anchor element with the href attribute.

<a href="page.html">Link text</a>



If the file you’re linking to is in the same folder as your current HTML file, just use the file name with the href attribute. Here’s an example:

<a href="about.html">Link to about page</a>

If the file you’re linking to is in a subfolder, make sure you include the folder name in the href attribute. Here’s an example:

<a href="folder/about.html">Link to About page in different folder</a>

If the file you’re linking to i nested inside several folders, make sure you include all of the folder names in the href attribute, like this:

<a href="first-folder/second-folder/about.html">Link to About page in different folder</a>

If the file you’re linking to is in a higher folder, use two dots to move up a folder. Here’s an example:

<a href="../index.html">Link back to home page</a>


Add a link to your index.html file that goes to the about.html page.


The Anchor element on MDN

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