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Rename file or folder – Terminal


To rename a folder or file using your terminal, enter the following command:

mv current-name new-name


If there is already a file named new-name, the above command will overwrite it with the contents of current-name, and you will lose what was inside the original new-name file. Use the mv command with caution.



If you had a file named index.html that you wanted to rename about.html, you would enter the following command in your terminal:

mv index.html about.html

If the files were in a subfolder called public, you would include the folder path in your command:

mv public/index.html public/about.html

If you had a folder named folder1 that you wanted to rename folder2, you would enter the following command in your terminal:

mv folder1 folder2


Try the following command in your project folder:

mv css/main.css css/style.css


Command Line Primer on the Apple Developer Archive (see the section called Frequently Used Commands)

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