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Headings – Markdown



# Heading 1
## Heading 2
### Heading 3
#### Heading 4
##### Heading 5
###### Heading 6

Alternate syntax for Heading 1 and 2:

Heading 1

Heading 2

Click here to see an example of what this code looks like when rendered on GitHub. (Click the Raw button to see the actual Markdown code.)


There are six levels of headings in Markdown and there are two ways of creating headings in Markdown.

The first way is to use the # sign. Make sure you have a space between the # sign and the actual heading. You can use up to six # signs in a row. The six levels of headings in Markdown correspond with the six heading tags in HTML (h1 through h6).

The second way of creating headings only applies to the first two levels of headings. A first level heading can be created by placing equal signs directly beneath the heading text. A second level heading can be created by placing dashes directly beneath the heading text.


First, recreate the code snippet from the Demo section in your Markdown file. Then try customizing the text.


Markdown Reference – CommonMark

Lesson tags: Free Lesson
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