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Ordered lists – Markdown




1. Ordered list first example
2. Ordered list first example
3. Ordered list first example

1) Item
2) Item
3) Item

1. Ordered list second example
1. Ordered list second example
1. Ordered list second example

1) Item
1) Item
1) Item


You can write ordered lists in Markdown using a number, a period, and a space. Notice in the second example that you can use the number 1 for each item in the list, but the output will show the correct order of numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.).

1. Item
2. Item
3. Item

1. Item
1. Item
1. Item

You can also create an ordered list bry writing the number, a closing parentheses, and a space.

1) Item
2) Item
3) Item

1) Item
1) Item
1) Item

Nested lists

You can also create nested lists by indenting items. You can use an unordered list as the indented list.

1. Unordered list first example
    1. Unordered list first example
    1. Unordered list first example
1. Unordered list first example

1. Unordered list second example
    - Unordered list second example
    - Unordered list second example
1. Unordered list second example

Click here to see an example of what this code looks like when rendered on GitHub. (Click the Raw button to see the actual Markdown code.)


First, recreate the code snippet from the Demo section in your Markdown file. Then try customizing the text.


Markdown Reference on CommonMark

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