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Move through your code using keyboard shortcuts – VS Code



Go to the beginning or end of a line:

Home or End

Go to beginning or end of a word:

Ctrl+Left or Ctrl+Right

Go to the top or bottom of a page:

Ctrl+Home or Ctrl+End

Delete the entire line:


Delete from cursor to the beginning or end of a word:

Ctrl+Backspace or Ctrl+Delete


Go to the beginning or end of a line:

Cmd+Left or Cmd+Right

Go to beginning or end of a word:

Alt+Left or Alt+Right

Go to the top or bottom of a page:

Cmd+Up or Cmd+Down

Delete from cursor to the beginning or end of the line:

Cmd+Backspace or Cmd+Delete

Delete from cursor to the beginning or end of a word:

Alt+Backspace or Alt+Delete


Try practicing the keyboard shortcuts above in your index.html file.


Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows – Visual Studio Code

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